BUMP Foundation, Inc.


William A. Davis, II is the grandfather of our founder and largely responsible for the man he has become. Mr. Davis who was affectionately known as ‘BUMP’ was a war hero and jack of all trades with an enormous heart. His ability to see the best in people allowed him to selflessly pour into everyone he came in contact with. When ‘BUMP’ passed away in 2013 J’Vonn vowed to honor his legacy by giving back to his community in a way that he could have only learned from experience.

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“Plan to change the world, not gain the world.”

- William A. Davis II


Our mission is to BUILD, UPLIFT, & MOTIVATE PEOPLE. We focus on equipping our youth with the necessary tools to meet the challenges of adolescence and adulthood so they can achieve his or her full potential. Our youth development program is promoted through schools and community activities. The experiences we provide are always related to the core of our organization. Academics, athletics, and mentor-ship is the primary focus of our organization,

BUMP Foundation, Inc. strives to create an environment that exposes our youth to diverse platforms. Studies show youth who are connected to positive adults and peers are less likely to engage in risky or self-defeating behaviors.